Digital Marketting:

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

At Accendos we target the search engines directly as we believe "content is still the king" of the digital market. We help in maximizing the number of visitors to your website. We keep an eye on, for how long a customer stays up onto your site. And during this, we identify the wrong keywords on your site and the out-dated content, then… We focus on the keyword choices and their density that helps in making your site fall in rankings. We analyse your competitor’s site and accordingly, we stuff the best keywords to your site’s content. There we do not actually stop; we analyse your site and keep its SEO up to the date.

And later on with our latest SEO trends we help you in turning your "visitors" to "customers".

  • Clients Goals | Competitor Website
  • Keyword Research | Client Website Research
  • Link Building | Social Marketing
  • Content Additions | Submissions
  • Traffic Reports | Link Popularity Reports

Content Development

For an ever growing growth in the business; one needs to create a content that is consistent, authoritative, relevant and tailored. We write content that helps your business in improving by the on-page relevancy signals. Our experts write content in such a way that it blends up with the requirements of your customer. A search engine friendly content gives a boon to your business growth. As content is vital for the promotion of your products and services you are dealing in; so do we make it simple as possible.

We write awesome content for the following services:
  • Press release writing
  • Content marketing
  • Search Engine Optimized Content
  • Blog post
  • Ghost writing
  • Writing and editing the webpage content
Content Development
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

We implement the various social media networks in order to achieve marketing communication, and the branding goals. The social media marketing schemes primarily include the activities involving the social sharing of content, videos, and images as well as the paid advertising methods.

At Accendos we make a rocket growth in your business by establishing strong social networks. Linking on social media provides an opportunity to know about what the potential partners are doing firsthand. Undoubtedly, social media is not only an asset in the development of any business but somewhere it works as a touch point for the same.

Social Media Marketing benefits in many ways:
  • Extremely cost effective method of the promotion of your company or products.
  • It delivers huge amount of traffic and a wider space of link buildings.
  • It is an effective method that defines the way of communication amongst various people.